D E T O X Higabol 20 Envelopes

€8.69 €9.41
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€8.69 €9.41
D E T O X Higabol 20 Envelopes

D E T O X Higabol 20 Envelopes

€8.69 €9.41


D E T O XHigabol 20 Envelopes is a food supplement in sachet format that helps detoxify the body and protect the liver naturally. Its formula contains fructose, lactobacillus, amino acids, iron and vitamins that favor the elimination of toxins effectively. This product is recommended for those who seek to purify their body, eliminate accumulated toxins and maintain optimal liver health. It is advisable to take before the two main meals, dissolving the contents of the sachet in half a glass of water. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded and food supplements should not replace a balanced and healthy diet.




I am doing very well

David S.

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