Ausonia™ Airdry compresses super wings 10 uts

€1.89 €2.97
Only 3 units at this price

Winged pads to prevent stains on panty edges


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€1.89 €2.97
Only 3 units at this price
Ausonia™ Airdry compresses super wings 10 uts

Ausonia™ Airdry compresses super wings 10 uts

€1.89 €2.97


During the days of menstruation the woman takes special care not to get stained, looking for the comfort and protection of a good pad. This type of intimate hygiene product should be chosen according to the abundance of flow and the safety it provides.

Ausonia® Airdry Super Wing Compressor is designed to protect and prevent stains on the edges of the panties. Ausonia has thought about that annoying smell that the woman feels during those days and has created this product to absorb, capture and neuralyze the smell.

Don't let your period keep you from your plans!

Vídeo del producto

Unit price

€0.19 / Unit

Pharmaceutical Advice

To try to avoid premenstrual symptoms we suggest:

  • Drink plenty of fluids such as water and juice. Avoid alcoholic, soda, or caffeinated beverages.
  • Eat small but frequent meals, avoiding overeating.
  • Eat whole-grain products, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Lower salt and sugar intake.
  • Aerobic exercise on a daily basis.




I liked it and I recommend it

Anonymous A.

Quality product

Anonymous A.

Very good product that hydrates the skin well and reduces redness. I use it morning and evening. Serves as a make-up base!

Anonymous A.


New in Menstruation