Atlet Citrus Energy Drink Organic 450g

21,79 €

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21,79 €
Atlet Citrus Energy Drink Organic 450g

Atlet Citrus Energy Drink Organic 450g

21,79 €


Atlet Organic Citrus Energy Drink 450g facilitates rehydration and provides essential elements during endurance effort. This energy drink, with natural vitamin C and antioxidants, replenishes glycogen, vitamins and minerals. It also compensates for the loss of salts during sweating.

Its citrus flavor provides a sensation of freshness and lightness, while remaining subtle to avoid saturation and too much acidity in the mouth.

Gluten free. No preservatives. No glucose syrup. No palm oil. No colorants. No additives.

FR-BIO-01 certified. Made in France.

Food supplements should never replace a healthy, varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Price per 100 G

4,84 € / 100 g



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