Atena Reishi MRL 90comp

23,14 €
Only 13 units at this price

Ideal for combating chronic fatigue and strengthening the immune system

68 g

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23,14 €
Only 13 units at this price
Atena Reishi MRL 90comp

Atena Reishi MRL 90comp

23,14 €


Dietary supplement that helps fight chronic fatigue and strengthen the immune system. It also acts as an antioxidant, it is a good ally in the fight against free radicals. Reishi has been traditionally recommended for problems such as insomnia, or problems and derivations of stress, although it can also be a good supplement to reduce cholesterol and hypertension, as antiplatelet and anticoagulant effects. Chinese researchers found that reishi improves blood flow and lowers oxygen consumption of the heart muscle.

Price per 100 G

34,03 € / 100 g

Pharmaceutical Advice

The Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum), also known as the "eternal youth" mushroom, provides phytonutrients with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is well known in traditional Chinese medicine. As a dietary supplement, it is available in powder or capsule form (with a slightly bitter taste).

It contains polysaccharides (beta-glucans) which support the immune system. It also contributes to physical and emotional well-being, due to its content of ergosterol, essential amino acids, B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and zinc. Reishi is also nutrient-dense and suitable for athletes.

Its high content of antioxidant substances helps to counteract free radicals (oxidative damage) in cells, making it useful as a nutricosmetic ingredient to prevent signs of ageing. This effect makes it a suitable ingredient for cosmetic products for topical application.

For proper use as a dietary supplement, it is ideal to follow the recommendation of a healthcare professional.



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