Atena Cordyceps MRL Powder 250g

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91,97 €
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Facilitates beneficial supplementation to reduce fatigue and physical weakness

250 g

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91,97 €
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Atena Cordyceps MRL Powder 250g

Atena Cordyceps MRL Powder 250g

91,97 €


Powdered dietary supplement made from a mixture of mycelium as the primordia of the fungus (the fruiting body or young carpophore), cultivated in California, USA. The product facilitates action against fatigue and weakness, increases athletic performance.

The powder formula is free from contamination of other mushrooms, pesticides and heavy metals. It has no preservatives, artificial colours or flavours. No sugar, starch, gluten or lactose.

Instructions for use

Before or during breakfast, take two to four grams daily (the measuring spoon contains 2g).

Price per 100 G

36,79 € / 100 g



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