Asepta Cicaleine Cuidado Reestructurante Grietas Pies Talones 50ml

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Suitable for moisturising damaged skin

50 ml

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Only 8 units at this price
Asepta Cicaleine Cuidado Reestructurante Grietas Pies Talones 50ml

Asepta Cicaleine Cuidado Reestructurante Grietas Pies Talones 50ml



Moisturising balm for feet, heels and skin cracks. Provides more than 50% of hydration to the skin and relieves the pain produced. The skin regains its flexibility. Cracks are lesions of the skin and mucous membranes with a cracked appearance. Cracks can be more or less deep and are often painful. It is composed of vitamin B5 and Centella Asiatica, which help to improve healing; liquorice root extract provides a soothing sensation; silk lyesters protect weakened skin.

Price per 100 ML

€20.71 / 100 ml

Pharmaceutical Advice

Centella Asiatica is a medicinal plant rich in saponins, phytosterols, mucilages and fatty acids. In cutaneous application, its extract has traditionally been used to heal wounds and stimulate venous circulation. Topical use promotes regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, re-epithelialises and stimulates collagen production. This is why it is used in cosmetics that improve skin conditions such as residual marks after wounds and burns, eczema, scars and stretch marks. It is also used in cosmetic lines for regenerative and anti-ageing care and oral hygiene products.

As an ingredient in dietary supplements, it is used for its venotonic (venous return support) and anti-inflammatory action. It is not recommended for oral use during pregnancy and lactation. Nor is it recommended for children. If you have any doubts, always consult a healthcare professional.



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