Artemis Bio Matcha Chai Latte Bio 60gr

5,69 €

Helps to accompany meals and snacks

60 g

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5,69 €
Artemis Bio Matcha Chai Latte Bio 60gr

Artemis Bio Matcha Chai Latte Bio 60gr

5,69 €


Pulverized mixture of tea and spices. Made with quality and organic ingredients. They can be used to accompany breakfast or to be consumed at any time of the day. The product is made with biodegradable and recyclable materials, maintaining high-quality standards that provide a pleasant flavour and aroma. May contain traces of gluten.

Instructions for use

Standard: Mix 1 teaspoon of matcha with 60ml of hot water.

Usucha: Mix 1 teaspoon of matcha powder with 90120ml of hot water.

Koicha: Mix 2 teaspoons of matcha with 30ml of hot water.


Matcha, Cinnamon, Green Anise, Ginger, Nutmeg, Cardamom, Black Pepper.

Price per 100 G

9,48 € / 100 g



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