Arrow Econoneb Compressor Filter Kit

Only 15 units at this price

Cool running nebuliser

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Only 15 units at this price
Arrow Econoneb Compressor Filter Kit

Arrow Econoneb Compressor Filter Kit



It is a powerful compressor that is continuously rated, making it a cool-running nebuliser for demanding use. It is ideal for meeting the challenges of hospitals and clinics. It has a high flow rate that is suitable for nebulizing bronchodilators (analgesics), corticosteroids (preventive) and antibiotics. Its lightweight design makes it ideal for portable use in a hospital. Compact design facilitates easy cleaning, tube holder provides convenient temporary support for the nebuliser kit. Designed for continuous use, it stays cool during constant use. Suitable for hospital, clinic and home use. Easy to use and easy to carry. Built-in handle and lightweight design allow for easy carrying and good portability.

Unit price

€9.62 / Unit



New in Respiratory Care