Argital Echinacea Cream Bio 75ml

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Ideal for psoriasis, acne and skin irritations

75 ml

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Argital Echinacea Cream Bio 75ml

Argital Echinacea Cream Bio 75ml



It is an organic cream designed for the care and maintenance of the skin.

It is formulated from all-natural ingredients that moisturises and strengthens the dermis.

It is a body and facial cream rich in vitamins A and E that deeply nourish the skin and combat the action of free radicals. It is made from Echinacea, a plant known for its healing and antiseptic properties. It also contains chamomile, calendula, almonds, wheat germ, olive oil, essential oils of clove, mint, eucalyptus, lemon and verbena.

Its function on the skin is to reduce redness, eliminate impurities and fight acne.


Instructions for use

Apply to the affected area.

Price per 100 ML

€16.39 / 100 ml

Pharmaceutical Advice

Psoriasis is a skin condition caused by a dysfunction in the immune system, which causes the skin to regenerate at an accelerated rate. It manifests in the form of skin inflammation, with the appearance of pink or red plaques covered with whitish dead skin cells that flake off easily, especially on elbows, knees, scalp and feet.

Although it can have a genetic component, it is often triggered by environmental factors in which there is high oxidative stress, such as certain infections, cold and dry climates, toxic substance consumption (tobacco and alcohol), psychological stress or certain medication.

There are several types of psoriasis (plaque, pustular, erythrodermic, etc.) and although it can manifest in the form of cycles or outbreaks which, after some time, diminish or remit, it is possible to improve its symptoms.

Both mild and more severe forms of the disease require supervision from a dermatologist, as it can also affect other organs. The specialist will prescribe the most appropriate treatment for every person to counteract the outbreaks. The outbreak frequency can be reduced by using products specifically formulated to care for skin with psoriasis. There are creams, lotions and shampoos with very suitable ingredients. On the one hand, emollient and moisturising ingredients (such as urea, glycerine, hyaluronic acid, etc.); and on the other hand, keratolytic ingredients (such as salicylic acid, coal tar, urea with a higher concentration, etc.). Other ingredients with soothing and anti-inflammatory properties can also be useful.

In terms of lifestyle and hygiene habits, it is very important to reduce or manage stress levels, as well as to avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Use gentle and moisturising cleansers, avoid showers or baths with very hot water and the use of sponges. It is always advisable, especially in this context, to follow a varied and balanced diet.


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