Arcangea Fuoco Yang 50ml

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Promotes relaxation and helps to fall asleep

50 ml

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Only 3 units at this price
Arcangea Fuoco Yang 50ml

Arcangea Fuoco Yang 50ml



Food supplement in liquid form formulated with extracts of gems that help to improve night's rest. Contributes to physiological relaxation and to strengthen the immune system. It contains elderberry, a natural source of antioxidants, calcium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, iron and vitamins C, B1, B2, B3 and B7, which help reduce the feeling of tiredness and/or fatigue. It also includes sweet clover, passiflora, fumitory, lavender, yarrow, hawthorn, primrose, dog rose and black currant.

Price per 100 ML

€42.40 / 100 ml



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