Aqua Massage sponge vegetable cellulose for children

2,21 €

Soft children's vegetable cellulose sponge

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2,21 €
Aqua Massage sponge vegetable cellulose for children

Aqua Massage sponge vegetable cellulose for children

2,21 €


Aqua Massage children's vegetable cellulose sponge is a vegetable cellulose sponge for children. It has a soft and delicate touch, appropriate for the hygiene of the skin of children. It also tones, activates circulation and helps to renew your skin;

Take care of children's hygiene in complete safety!

Instructions for use

Rub gently with circular movements from bottom to top, also promoting optimal blood circulation.

For proper maintenance, the sponge should be thoroughly rinsed and rinsed after use, removing soap and organic material residues (which cause odours). After use it is advisable to store it in a place that allows for quick drying.


Vegetable cellulose



New in Body hygiene