Aptamil Profutura 1 Leche 800g

32,58 €

Reinforced starter milk for baby feeding

800 g

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32,58 €
Aptamil Profutura 1 Leche 800g

Aptamil Profutura 1 Leche 800g

32,58 €


Pediatric starter milk, developed to help meet the nutritional needs of infants with lactose allergies. With a formulation based on long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, vitamins C, D and B2, minerals and nutrients necessary for proper infant development. Enriched with probiotic strains, which help the proper functioning of the intestinal flora and the natural defense system. Suitable for babies from 1 month of age. Palm oil free.

Price per 100 G

4,07 € / 100 g

Pharmaceutical Advice

Breast milk is the best food for babies. If providing it is not possible or if it is insufficient, the paediatrician is the best healthcare professional to advise on the most suitable type of milk for infants.



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