Anroch Respira Mejor Microprotesis 1ud

27,89 €
Only 10 units at this price

Ideal for improving breathing

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27,89 €
Only 10 units at this price
Anroch Respira Mejor Microprotesis 1ud

Anroch Respira Mejor Microprotesis 1ud

27,89 €


Nasal device that helps to favour the entry of air through the respiratory tract. Indicated for people who suffer from respiratory difficulties or is of great help for athletes or the elderly. It also helps to eliminate or soften snoring.

Instructions for use

-Moisten the nostrils and the nasal dilator.

-Open the upper temples in a "V" shape, without the opening exceeding 5 millimeters.

-Insert in the nose, practically in a horizontal position.

Unit price

27,89 € / Unit



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