Andreia Professional Quitaesmalte con Suavizante 100ml

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Helps remove nail polish without irritation

100 ml

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Andreia Professional Quitaesmalte con Suavizante 100ml

Andreia Professional Quitaesmalte con Suavizante 100ml



Liquid nail polish and lacquer remover, with a hypoallergenic formula enriched with softening active ingredients. Helps to easily remove the remains of gels and top coats, quickly and without staining the skin. Helps prevent dryness and skin irritation after removing manicures and pedicures. Does not contain acetone or unpleasant fragrance. Dermatologically tested. Suitable for all skin types, even sensitive skin.

Instructions for use

Soak a cotton pad with the product and gently wipe the nail.

Price per 100 ML

€3.62 / 100 ml


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