Always Toallitas Protectoras de Algodón Talla 3 Noche 8uds


Helps maintain hygiene of the intimate area

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Always Toallitas Protectoras de Algodón Talla 3 Noche 8uds

Always Toallitas Protectoras de Algodón Talla 3 Noche 8uds



Sanitary pad that helps to maintain intimate hygiene at night during the menstrual cycle. Contributes to absorb large amounts of fluids and neutralize possible bad odors. In addition, it has a soft touch of 100% organic cotton that does not generate irritations and an absorbent cellulose center with gel beads. It also includes adhesive so that the towel does not peel off from clothing. Free of chlorine bleach, perfume and dyes.

Unit price

€0.40 / Unit



New in Menstruation