Alvis Battery for Hearing Aid Za312 6 units

3,51 €
Only 10 units at this price

Suitable batteries for hearing aids

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3,51 €
Only 10 units at this price
Alvis Battery for Hearing Aid Za312 6 units

Alvis Battery for Hearing Aid Za312 6 units

3,51 €


Alvis brand A312 1.4V zinc-air hearing aid batteries. These high performance batteries are compatible with traditional hearing aids, listening assistants and hearing aids that use A312 batteries. Mercury-free batteries.

Presentation 6 units.

Unit price

0,58 € / Unit

Pharmaceutical Advice

Zinc has great benefits for the immune system, hair and skin. It is a trace mineral, meaning that the body needs it but in small amounts.

It is an important supplement for DNA synthesis, cell growth, protein synthesis, healing of damaged tissues and supports a healthy immune system.

It also promotes keratin and collagen synthesis, so it helps to prevent premature hair aging and even protects hair pigmentation. It also helps to strengthen hair and nails.
Include it in your diet by eating meat, fish, seafood (especially oysters), nuts, whole grains, pulses and/or milk.

A varied and balanced diet is usually enough to maintain a good level of zinc; supplementation is only recommended in cases of deficiency.



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