Allos Black Chocolate Amaranth Bar 25g


Helps to provide energy to the body

25 g

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Allos Black Chocolate Amaranth Bar 25g

Allos Black Chocolate Amaranth Bar 25g



Energy bar with dark chocolate and amaranth, made from natural ingredients that help to provide energy and vitality to the body after an intense sporting or work effort. Providing nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the recovery of muscles, joints and energy, in a natural and healthy way.

Instructions for use

Take at the time you decide.


Amaranth grpoppt (39%), Bittersweet Chocolate (Cocoa mass, Cane sugar, Cocoa butter, Highly defatted cocoa powder) (25%), Honey, Rice syrup, Raspberry freeze-dried (8%), Saukirsch concentrate

Price per 100 G

€139.68 / 100 g

Pharmaceutical Advice

Cocoa beans, from the Cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), are a tropical fruit that stands out for its protein and caloric index. This food’s fibre content can help to regulate bowel movement. It is also a source of minerals such as magnesium and potassium and contains caffeine and antioxidant polyphenols.

When choosing food with chocolate, it is advisable to select products with a high pure cocoa percentage, lower in refined sugar and other fats. These should be consumed in moderation and in the context of a varied and balanced diet. Cocoa has a high energy content, making it an ideal option in diets for athletes or people with a caloric deficit.



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