All Natural Houttuynia Cordata Care Serum 55ml

29,49 €
Only 10 units at this price

Ideal for revitalising facial skin

55 ml

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29,49 €
Only 10 units at this price
All Natural Houttuynia Cordata Care Serum 55ml

All Natural Houttuynia Cordata Care Serum 55ml

29,49 €


A serum that helps soothe and enliven the skin. Made with 50% Houttuynia Cordata extract. In addition, it prevents pore-clogging in all skin types. It helps keep pores clean thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, while the antioxidant power of blueberries brings radiance and vitality to the face.

Price per 100 ML

53,63 € / 100 ml



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