Alkaline Care Phour Salts 180g

13,99 €
Only 10 units at this price

Suitable for sports drinks

180 g

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13,99 €
Only 10 units at this price
Alkaline Care Phour Salts 180g

Alkaline Care Phour Salts 180g

13,99 €


Unique combination of four mineral salts: sodium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, potassium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate, indicated to add to drinking water for optimal hydration, especially for athletes after exercise. These four salts keep the body alkaline and are found naturally in all body fluids. Ideal for quickly remineralizing the body. They can be used to increase the alkalinity of any drink or food.

Price per 100 G

7,77 € / 100 g


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