Active Foods organic cocoa powder 250g

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Provides the necessary energy for your body


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Active Foods organic cocoa powder 250g

Active Foods organic cocoa powder 250g



Active Foods brand products are natural (unprocessed) foods with a high nutritional value and antioxidant power. That's why, if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, incorporate Active Foods into your daily diet. You will see your organism rewarded!

In this case, the cocoa powder from Active Foods is a totally organic product that contains multiple health benefits:

  • Increases mood naturally.
  • Maintains the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Improves skin and hair pigmentation.
  • Rich in protein, magnesium and fiber.

Ideal for mixing with drinks or protein shakes to create a nutritious snack.

*Its consumption provides the daily energy your body needs. No sugars, sweeteners or emulsifiers.

Specialist in anti-aging medicine. One of the most pleasant and suggestive foods on the market.

Instructions for use

Add 1 scoop (16g) to your favorite drink or sprinkle it on desserts, once or twice a day.

Price per 100 G

€8.37 / 100 g

Pharmaceutical Advice

Cocoa beans, from the Cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), are a tropical fruit that stands out for its protein and caloric index. This food’s fibre content can help to regulate bowel movement. It is also a source of minerals such as magnesium and potassium and contains caffeine and antioxidant polyphenols.

When choosing food with chocolate, it is advisable to select products with a high pure cocoa percentage, lower in refined sugar and other fats. These should be consumed in moderation and in the context of a varied and balanced diet. Cocoa has a high energy content, making it an ideal option in diets for athletes or people with a caloric deficit.



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