Able Spacer 2 Ch/Inh Ad S/Masq

€14.51 €19.00
Only 2 units at this price

Helps to improve breathing

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€14.51 €19.00
Only 2 units at this price
Able Spacer 2 Ch/Inh Ad S/Masq

Able Spacer 2 Ch/Inh Ad S/Masq

€14.51 €19.00


Inhalation chamber designed in a transparent polymer, easy to use and clinically tested. With antimicrobial properties. Designed for use with the antistatic inhalation accessory and to the application of drugs with a total volume of 210 millimeters. Contains a visible valve. The mask should be sanitised after use. Suitable for adults and children.

Unit price

€14.51 / Unit



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